Production Sound Mixer Cart

Over the last year or so I have been doing more and more stationary work. I decided that having a cart would be a great way to manage the larger productions.
My production sound cart is built around a #SoundDevices 664 and #Lectrosonics Wireless. I built the cart from the ground up, including the battery/power supply.
I can accommodate a combination of 12 talent wireless or 10 and 2 wireless boom poles. This cart is easily expanded and very portable, living in 2 SKB hard cases.
This Sound Carts maiden voyage was for the filming of the IMAX movie Dream Big. #dreambigfilm Will hit the giant IMAX screens around the country on Feb 17th 2017.
Core Features:
- Film Tools Upright Audio Cart
- Sound Devices 664/688 Mixer (12 inputs – 16 track – Time Code)
- Sound Devices CL-12 Mixing Panel
- Lectrosonics Venue rack mounted receiver – 6 channels (more available if needed)
- 2 ListenTech Transmitter systems for Director Feed/IFB – 15 Receivers
- 40ah Lithium Iron LIPO battery/power supply
- Wireless Time Code and Reference audio – 4 cameras
- Sound Devices Wingman
#Arizona, #clearcutaudio, #MattRadlauer, #ProductionSoundMixer, #setlife, #SoundDevices
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